Use and Art of Artificial Intelligence

Welcome to the world of A.I.

Artificial Intelligence – What is it really?

Ever since the advent of the harnessing of electricity, and the light bulb, the concept of artificial intelligence began.

Your light bulb switch was the beginning of the two digits that

today run your computers, cell phones, garage door openers, and even your refrigerators. In other words, there are very few things that are not run by some form of two number binary interface.

Your light switch is an “ON” and “Off” mechanism. Consider that On is a one (1) and Off is a zero (0).

Those two (actually only just one) numbers are zero (0) and one (1). Zero is actually not consider a number, so let’s just call it a Digit.  All of “Computerdom” uses these two numbers (digits) – ONLY!  That is not to say it won’t change, and some researcher won’t come up with at way to add another number (I want to see them use Pi), but for now these two lovely little digits are it, that is unless someone else has added something of which I am unaware.

Come to think of it, I hope they don’t add a number. I have enough trouble figuring out the things with only two digits.

Most people who have have the pleasure of doing any investigating in the digital world already know that the two digit

binary system is in place.

Moving forward, the basic household light switch evolved into vacuum tubes, which were used to run radios and the first television. Hence the alternate designated name for a television was coined “The Tube”. Folks would watch “The Tube”.

You may have heard the term “Boob Tube”.  Yes, people used to spend way too much time watching a screen even back then.

Then came the silicon chip, circuit boards, micro-chips, and I’m not sure what they have now. I know things have gotten much smaller. They have managed to fit a great deal more processing into a much smaller space. Think Nano technology, machines that can go strolling around in your bloodstream.

Now we have Artificial Intelligence. This technology falls into the category of programming. Programming is the manipulation of all of those zero’s and one’s into specific configurations that will allow the end user to do various things, such as write about 0’s and 1’s.

The A.I. technology is an extremely sophisticated form of programming that is highly detailed, and researched. But then I doubt I had to mention that part.

Not really new

When it comes right down to it, artificial intelligence is not really a very new thing. The original computers were used for basic word processing, and information processing.

Things then evolved, and then the computer became an information resource. If you have ever used Google (Duh!), then you have been using artificial intelligence, but at a much less sophisticated level then this newest incarnation.

What we have now has been referred to as a “Game Changer”, a term which I have trouble disputing due to the power of what I am seeing it do.

My best guess as to what is likely to come along next in the line of this highly advanced techology is the “Human Robot”. It will likely be called something different, but it will basically be an advanced form of robotics coupled with the latest versions of A.I. technology.

Before I get into the use, and the things that this present version of A.I. can do, I want to give you some general feedback from the technology experts.

There are two schools of thought. The first is that this technology will advance, and that it will be the best thing since sliced bread – or the Kardasians. I’ll take the sliced bread, toasted with a little honey (no, not a Kardasian), on the bread.

The second school considers this technology dangerous. any guesses why?

Well, this stuff is advancing by leaps and bounds. When, not if, they can give this techology the ability to become self-aware, then there is the situation of whether or not it becomes human, or at least a sentiant being that is aware of itself and its surroundings.

Some think it can’t happen, others say it’s only a matter of time.

If your computer becomes self-aware, then it should be able to understand exactly what you are doing with it. It would be able to give you input – without you asking for it. It would be like having someone else in the room talking to you, giving you guidance, or possibly giving you grief.

What if it doesn’t want to be turned off? What if it doesn’t want to work on what you want to work? (self-aware remember).

Can things go this far? Will this technology be safe? Can it really be made to be self-aware, but not have a will of its own?

I guess time will tell. In the meantime, it does give you (and me) something to consider.


Artificial Intelligence – what can it do now?

In the first portion of this writing, I alluded to a few of the many ways

that A.I. is being used. Facebook (so I have read) has bean using this technology for a number of years to stay ahead of the Social Media game.

Many of the “Big Gun” manufacturers have also been using A.I. to bring in additional profits. Now it’s your turn.

Do you know that all of these “I’m Nancy, can I help you”, or “I’m Jeremy, how can I help” images, or similar iteratins that pop up on so many websites, are using some form of artificial intelligence to run the program?

This technology has been around for a while – but now it has been made even more advanced, and available to you.

Be Amazed

I’m sure that you have heard of this technology, and may have tried it, or even be using it.

If you are using this technology, can you remember the very first time

putting in information and then being awe struck at the results of your question? For most people “Wow” is what comes to their minds.

Of course when you use it a little, you do begin to realize that it does have its shortcomings.

As incredible as this technology appears to be, it is still comforting to know that humans will not be replaced any time in the very near future.

Who knows about next month!

A.I. itself admits that it has not yet come into its own

The following is from a question that I asked in ChatGpt:

The question is:  What are some of the most important things to understand about AI when using it? I would have worded it differently,but it was one of the first times using the software.

Here is the answer:

1. AI is not perfect: While AI has come a long way in recent years, it is not infallible. It can make mistakes and errors, just like humans.

2. AI needs data: AI systems require large amounts of data to learn and improve their performance. Without enough data, AI systems may not be able to make accurate predictions or decisions.

3. Bias can be a problem: AI systems can be biased if they are trained on biased data or if the algorithms used to create them are biased. It’s important to be aware of this and take steps to mitigate bias when using AI.

4. AI is not a replacement for human judgment: While AI can be a powerful tool, it should not be relied on as a replacement for human judgment. Human oversight and input is still necessary to ensure the best outcomes.

5. AI is constantly evolving: AI technology is constantly evolving, which means that best practices and techniques for using it may change over time. It’s important to stay up-to-date with the latest developments in AI to get the most out of it.

Okay, let’s get into using an A.I. program.


In case you are not familiar with this term, it means
Garbage In – Garbage Out, and has been used in the world of

programming for quite some time.

If a programmer does not know what they are doing, or if they

don’t check everything, and test out their “Masterpiece” program, then
it may be that the program itself is “Garbage”, or has elements of it that

don’t make sense to a computer.

In non-computer terms, GIGO simply means that

“You get what you ask for” – sometimes.

In General

When you ask AI to do something, you will often find that it spouts back a lot of superficial information. It may sound good to you, but if you are knowledgeable about the subject, then you will immediately realize that what you are reading is superficial for the most part.

Unless you are an expert on a subject, you will find that most of your AI answers will not be specific. The logical thing to do is to get more specific – right?  Well, maybe.

Again, remember you don’t know much about the subject.

I recently spoke with a friend of mine who coaches gymnastics.

He used a ChatGpt program for a particular purpose, with a particular focus. What he got back was specific and to the point.

Most people who know little about gymnastics would, first, not know how to ask an in-depth question, let alone understand the meaning of much of the answer to the question.

Ask yourself, “Do I know enough to ask a relevant question?

I think that this is the biggest mistake that most people make in general. I you are sketchy on anything you want to write, or talk about,
then it is good policy to actually do some research first so that you have

at least a basic idea of what you need.

For instance, let me stick with gymnastics since I mentioned it earlier.

Getting back to A.I., you might ask something like “What are the 10 hardest moves in gymnastics.

Now that might seem general, and in a way it is, but there are many events. There are women’s events (bars, floor, beam, and vault), men’s events (6 of them- rings, high-bar, floor, pommel horse, vault, and parallel bars).  Do you ask about men’s, or women’s events? Rings or beam?

There are also more events such as acrobatics with two or more participants.

Who could forget the tumbling and trampoline. All of these are sanctioned by the governing gymnastics association, and they hold competitions for each event.

My friend asked something like: “What are a good set of practice drills for the balance beam for girls level seven junior olympic competition?

As you can see this is quite specific. He told me it offered up a surprisingly good list of activities, complete with the appropriate names of the skills.

The point here is that the more you know, the better will be your results. That said, the more you know, the less you should have to rely on something like an artificial intelligence program for answers.

Bottom line on the A.I. questions that you need to ask is that you need to be specific. Even then you need to be aware of grammer, syntax, and how the text reads. It often sounds pretty good, but you are (should be) the expert. ALWAYS check for accuracy of content.

I have run into the issue of getting too specific, and I get back much of the same information (and wording) as in previous tries and results. Remember that you may have to re-word things in different ways in order to get the correct result for which you are searching.

Often the answer will be similar, but not worded the same, and you are getting basically the same information packaged slightly different.

If you use A.I. then be aware that all is not flowers and sunshine.

There are a lot of storm clouds that you need to steer away from. Just

don’t look up too late, and realize that someone, or something has rained on your parade.

Just one last thing, not all of the stuff coming out of artificial intelligence software is clean. By clean I mean that you need to be aware of copywriting infringement which is another reason to get your ideas, and do some re-writing.

Unless you are using a program that guarantees the results will not contain any plagiarized material, my best suggestion is to

run things through some programs that checks for infringement, or simply

re-write things into you own words and personality. I personally suggest the re-write as there will be no question it comes from you.

One thing to keep in mind when purchasing anything. There are some people who will be using A.I. exclusively, even though they know nothing about a subject. Obviously, this could be dangerous, or at least a waste of time and money if you purchase information online.

Be sure that the person(s) you buy from has experience, and background in the subject they are promoting, and hopefully, that they are actually doing the proper due diligence necessary to keep the information up-to-date and correct. Now, more than ever it is “Buyer Beware”.



Artificial Intellingence and imaging.

A.I. can produce some really nice imaging, but it is not the same as using
it for writing. Let me re-phrase. You still have to input information, but
what, and how you set up your input is a bit different.

I have written a tutorial on using A.I., complete with
images and explanations. It is short and to the point.

Sign in below to get your free copy within seconds!