
Distraction Can Be Your Worst Enemy

Distraction can be your worst enemy – but only if you allow it.

Distraction is like one of those sneaky little devils that likes to
hide under and behind places that you can’t see.
Then when you least expect it, a distraction will jump out at
you and say “Surprise! Now, what were you doing?”

My vision of a distraction is one of those cute little horned
devils with the pitchfork and the triangle at the end of its tail.
Pesky, annoying, and a pain in the a… – you know.

Why does it seem like whenever you are in the middle of
something important that one of these pesky little critters
comes out of nowhere and lands on your face?

Like trying to write this article. I get started, finally get
my thoughts together about what to write, and my dog
starts barking. I have to get up and see what’s wrong.
I could let it bark, but that distraction is one that I
simply cannot ignore.

Different people handle distractions in different ways.
For some people a distraction can ruin their entire day.
I’m talking about those little pesky distractions. These
poor souls allow distraction to be their own worst enemy.
It doesn’t need to be.

While some cannot deal with distraction very well, there
are others who find distraction annoying, but allow it,
organize it, and deal with it. These people manage to keep
those pesky little critters in labeled boxes so that, annoying
as they are, they do not take over.

How do you keep these distractions from becoming your
worst enemy?

Some distractions are major. If you are driving along and
in a hurry to get to work, but you see a head on collision
in front of you, then you would likely stop to see if you could
do something to help. At the very least you would try to
get help. This is a major distraction.

A minor distraction is when you are running late and trying to
get out of the house, and you spill milk all over the floor.
It takes a few minutes more of your time to clean up the mess.
Another distraction that is annoying, but not one that is
going to alter the course of your life.

Distractions take on many forms. They can be sounds, visual
distractions such as a dog running across the road in front of
your car, or they can be technical like deleting something
from your computer that you really wanted to keep.

Those little (and big) distractions are annoying to be sure.
It is your perceptions of those distractions that can transform
distractions into huge critters that stomp on you, or small things
that you can put in a corner until they settle down.

There are a few things that you can do to help keep those
small distractions from ruining your life – or day.

1. You can make sure that you give yourself plenty
of time to get those important things done.
By waiting until the last minute, you set yourself
up for an emotional tornado if something goes wrong.

2. If you are working on something that is important, then
make your space as distraction-free as you can.
Turn things off, keep kids and pets in another area.

3. Allow yourself a few moments of distraction. These
“Critters” will always be around trying to get to you.
Give them their way on occasion, but do not allow
them much time. Keep your distractions on their leash
and in their place. And, keep yourself in your place.