
Why Do I Have So Much Trouble Getting Things Done?

Why do I have so much trouble getting things done?

Some people have a lot of trouble getting things done.

It may be that they begin something, and just can’t finish.
For others it manifests in time,
they just don’t have enough.
Yet other people simply cannot muster the
motivation to even start.

If you fall into one of these categories, then you need to
keep reading. You are not alone, and you can get things done.

For those of you who just can’t seem to finish a project, even
a small one,
here are a couple of tips that you can use to
start making progress.

Break it down

First, If it’s a large project, break it down into workable elements.
So many people begin projects that may take
or even months for most people to do, and
they start,
but can’t finish because they don’t realize
what is involved.

Larger projects, even smaller lightly complicated ones,
will require a plan.
The plan will involve solving a puzzle
of sorts. Since larger projects don’t always
lend themselves to quick understanding, you (as the project engineer)
decide how things will go.

Break the project down into workable steps as you sort through
what needs to be done.
Just the sorting may need to be
broken down into steps if your project is that complicated.
If you are confronted with something extremely complex,
it is likely that you will need help in the planning,
and the
implementing of the project.

Fortunately, most getting things done is not so complex that they cannot
be done in a fairly short period of time. However, it is still a matter of
planning what to do,
when to do it, and when it needs to be finished.

”I Keep Running Out Of Time” I hear over and over.

When you are in a constant battle with the clock, here are a
couple of
things that you might consider doing for yourself.

Write it down

First, write down everything that you need (or want) to do
during a certain
time period. Now, take a GOOD look at
what you have written down.
If you have 17 things to do
in the next 3 hours, you may have more to do than is
Make sure that you are reasonable with yourself.

Organize your efforts

If you need to go to town shopping,
and you know that you
also want to stop and get gas for the clunker (or your Lamborghini,
depending on which car
you decided to take today), instead of
making two trips, one today and one tomorrow (as originally planned) you
now have one less thing to do tomorrow. Combine
your efforts with a minor plan.

If you are someone who just can’t get started, then you
either unmotivated, or possibly not feeling well.

It may be a good idea for you to evaluate whether you are just so
tired or fatigued that you can’t even move
out of bed in the morning, or whether you are
feeling very depressed and/or
very bored.

If you are not feeling well, the obvious thing to do is to
get yourself checked out by a health care professional
to make sure that your health is okay.

If you are depressed, and know the reason, then talk to
friends who care, and/or get professional help.

Ruling out any health or emotional problems, then you are
probably bored.
If you are bored it is probably because
you are sitting around not doing anything.
That then leads
to the question – why not?

If you are bored because you are not doing much of anything,
and you have things that you should be doing but don’t, then
maybe getting things done, a few at a time, might make you feel
just a little bit better,
and it will give you something to do.

Now, go mow the yard!

Doing my best so that you can do yours

Distraction Can Be Your Worst Enemy

Distraction can be your worst enemy – but only if you allow it.

Distraction is like one of those sneaky little devils that likes to
hide under and behind places that you can’t see.
Then when you least expect it, a distraction will jump out at
you and say “Surprise! Now, what were you doing?”

My vision of a distraction is one of those cute little horned
devils with the pitchfork and the triangle at the end of its tail.
Pesky, annoying, and a pain in the a… – you know.

Why does it seem like whenever you are in the middle of
something important that one of these pesky little critters
comes out of nowhere and lands on your face?

Like trying to write this article. I get started, finally get
my thoughts together about what to write, and my dog
starts barking. I have to get up and see what’s wrong.
I could let it bark, but that distraction is one that I
simply cannot ignore.

Different people handle distractions in different ways.
For some people a distraction can ruin their entire day.
I’m talking about those little pesky distractions. These
poor souls allow distraction to be their own worst enemy.
It doesn’t need to be.

While some cannot deal with distraction very well, there
are others who find distraction annoying, but allow it,
organize it, and deal with it. These people manage to keep
those pesky little critters in labeled boxes so that, annoying
as they are, they do not take over.

How do you keep these distractions from becoming your
worst enemy?

Some distractions are major. If you are driving along and
in a hurry to get to work, but you see a head on collision
in front of you, then you would likely stop to see if you could
do something to help. At the very least you would try to
get help. This is a major distraction.

A minor distraction is when you are running late and trying to
get out of the house, and you spill milk all over the floor.
It takes a few minutes more of your time to clean up the mess.
Another distraction that is annoying, but not one that is
going to alter the course of your life.

Distractions take on many forms. They can be sounds, visual
distractions such as a dog running across the road in front of
your car, or they can be technical like deleting something
from your computer that you really wanted to keep.

Those little (and big) distractions are annoying to be sure.
It is your perceptions of those distractions that can transform
distractions into huge critters that stomp on you, or small things
that you can put in a corner until they settle down.

There are a few things that you can do to help keep those
small distractions from ruining your life – or day.

1. You can make sure that you give yourself plenty
of time to get those important things done.
By waiting until the last minute, you set yourself
up for an emotional tornado if something goes wrong.

2. If you are working on something that is important, then
make your space as distraction-free as you can.
Turn things off, keep kids and pets in another area.

3. Allow yourself a few moments of distraction. These
“Critters” will always be around trying to get to you.
Give them their way on occasion, but do not allow
them much time. Keep your distractions on their leash
and in their place. And, keep yourself in your place.

Idea Creation For The Internet Marketer

Idea creation for the internet marketer

Ideas do not normally come easily for most people.
When working on idea creation for a project, or
even something as simple as a blog post such as this,
you need to be able to come up with ideas almost
on demand.

The first thing that you need to do when beginning
a project or a blog post is to decide who you are
wanting to target, or who is going to use, or see,
your end result.

Now For Your Audience!

After you have decided who your audience is, then
you will continue to make decisions such as when
do I need to have this project done, or how much
time do I need for this project. A major project
will usually take up more time than a blog post.

Now you will want to begin using your idea methods
to make your project or blog post come into being.
For the sake of time I will focus on just a blog
post, but the same principles apply to creating
any project.

Now, you want to decide what to title your post.
Will you promote something? Do you want to explain
something? Asking questions will lead to answers.
If you just try to come up with ideas, you will
most likely come up empty-handed, or with sub-par
ideas with little value to you.

1. Focus your attention on what is most important.
What is the main point of your blog post? Start with that
and work your way out from there.

2. Take at least three (3) ideas
from your main point and explain them.

You now have most of your post created.

3. Organize each of the offshoot ideas.
You can order them as to importance, or just leave
them randomized. Add a few facts and you have
your blog post finished.

More on ideas

How Can I Make Life Easier And More Fun?

Have you ever asked yourself “How can I make life easier and more fun?”

While there is no easy answers to how you can make life easier, and no one but you knows what is making you unhappy, there are certain things that you might be able to do to cheer yourself up a bit.

One thing is to stay busy. The more things that you do, the more interactive that are with others, and the more that you try to learn new things, the less likely it is that you will have time to be sitting around feeling glum.

Staying productive is one of nature’s best remedies for throwing off depression and anxieties. While the learning, and doing new things may bring about newer anxieties, they are of a different kind. The anxieties that you will experience from doing new things, and staying busier are not inner-directed, but outer-directed. That is to say that they become frustrations that will help to keep you motivated. While this is not necessarily true for everyone, it is something that most people find helpful, and can make life easier for you.

For those still having difficulties, then it is important to talk with people,or a professional to sort out why certain feelings continue to arise. Just asking yourself “How can I make my life easier” is not going to solve the problems, it is doing something, and managing your time wisely that will help you to be happy and find more meaning in the things that you do.

a couple of other things that can help are that you can get a bit more organized. If you are not very well organized, you will find that you may not be able to find things that you need very easily. You lose bills that need to be paid, and end up having to pay late fees because you could not find your bill in time.

make life easier

Make Life Easier

Another very important thing that you can do is to focus on what is important. Is it really important to you to watch that re-run of Gilligan’s Island, or do you think that it might be more important to call your friend because it’s his/her birthday? Is it more important to sleep in that extra hour and be late for work, or make a good impression on your peers and bosses by being on time every day? These are things that only you can decide, and each have their consequences.

To make yourself happy you must try to find just what it is in life that makes you happy, and what will motivate you to do something.
What do you like to do? What do you enjoy doing that passes the time. Almost anything that you can think of can even be a living for you if that is what you desire.

If you like watching movies, you could be a movie critic, but you probably need to go so school to find out what the process of evaluation will look like. If you like playing video games, then there are people who are reviewing video games for a living. If you like showing people things, then why not start a blog. You can help a lot of people by answering questions for them. There is always something that you know more about than someone else.

Doing my best so that you can do yours,


Why Be Productive And Does It Really Matter?

Why Be Productive Anyway?

Why would you want to be a productive person anyway?

What Is Your Motivation?

What Is Your Motivation?

The sad truth is that there are fewer and fewer people
who are really motivated, want to be productive, and are settling for
whatever life hands them. If you are reading this
article, then you are probably not one who is content
to sit around and stare at a computer or television screen
and your four walls every day.

Motivational speakers, the marketing gurus, career counselors,
and even many employers all seem to want to ask “What is your
goal in life?”, or “What do you see yourself doing 1 year
from now? 5 years from now? 10 years from now?”

While these are valid questions, and employers ask
for a very different reason (they do not really care about
you personally) you can be asked all day about what you want
to do and be, but if you aren’t going to put forth
any effort to get where you want “To Be”, then these
questions are meaningless to both him, and especially – YOU.

What goes into your being a productive person?

Being a productive person is more than just doing
things in an aimless way. If you are a productive
individual, then you find yourself doing things in
a more organized fashion, and with some sense
of purpose.

Millions of people get up each morning and go
to work. They put in their eight (8) or so hours
and then go home and watch the latest reality
show. All the while they are hating their job,
their bank account, and the life that they
are forced to endure.

There are also those individuals who have
decided what they want to do with themselves,
and have found a way to get “In The Door”
so to speak.

These people are doing what they want to do,
enjoying what they have accomplished, and
even though they may not be making a ton
of money, they are happy.

Are you happy with your life?

If you have unfortunately answered “No”, then
keep these three (3) things in mind:

#1) Look at and listen to your life
If you haven’t yet asked yourself what your
“Dream” job is, or what you would really like
to be doing, then NOW is the time to do it.
Don’t wait until tomorrow, don’t put it off
until you have time (you will never have the time),
but go and get a piece of paper and pen and
write down what you would most like to be doing.

I worked with a young man who worked at a
fast food restaurant for minimum wage.
He is married with 4 small children.
He hates his job, he argues with his wife
about money, and they can barely make
ends meet.

He said that he reads a lot, but his major and
most pleasurable past time is playing video games.
After only one session, he is now working a second
job – in a video game store. He has mentioned
becoming a software engineer so that he can
develop his own games.

#2) Focus on what is important to you
It is one thing to simply say “I would really like to…”
It is another thing to say “I am going to do, and
this is how I am going to do it!”. A more positive
statement will help you to increase your productivity.

One statement is very broad and could end up
going anywhere or nowhere. The second statement
is targeted, and has purpose. Which one do you
think is more likely to produce results?

#3) Don’t ever say “I Can’t Do This”
No matter what you do, when you do it, where
you happen to be, you will at some point find
yourself in a situation that you just “Can’t Stand”.
It is simply unbearable, unimaginable, hateful,
disgusting, and on and on.

Everything has its downside at some time or
another. How boring life would be without a
few challenges thrown into the mix. Without
the challenges, you will never know just what
kind of person you are, and just how much
personal fortitude and courage that you have
inside of you.

What I am going to tell you now may be the most
important statement that you have ever read…

Even when you think that you can’t – you can.
You can handle a great deal more than you ever have
thought that you could. You are a lot tougher than
even you are able to realize.

Now is the time to take action for your life. If you want to
learn more, then you must check out my free information which
simply called – “SUCCESS”.

Doing my best, so that you can do yours


3 Tips To Out Perform Yourself

Here are 3 tips that you can use to out perform yourself in the things that you have been doing. One of the main things that you can do is to organize. When you organize, you are also simplifying your “Stuff”, such as paperwork, tools, kitchen utensils, etc.

Whatever you have that seems to look like clutter, should be organized. Don’t forget to get out that trash can when you organize. It is almost a certainty that when you go through things that you will find plenty to toss into that trash container.

So far I have been referring to those things that are in your home, office, or other workplace offline. What about all of those thousands of files on your computer? And. . . how about those hundreds of bookmarks that you have punched into your computer’s memory banks that you will never in a million years remember why you have them bookmarked in the first place?

These are just a few examples of the many things in your life that can get completely out of control if you let things go too far, for too long.

We all seem to have varying levels of organization. Some people are organize fanatics. I have written about a cousin who has his screwdrivers organized in his toolbox by direction. Flathead screwdrivers facing one way, and the phillips head screwdrivers facing the other. Everything is also “Ultra-Clean”, but that is another subject.

For you getting organized may just be very natural. You may be one of the few who finds organizing things easy and necessary. Or, you may be one of the many who are not so organized, or not organized at all. If you are like most people, you likely fall someplace in-between. No matter where you are at in the scheme of organizing (unless you are like my cousin and his screwdrivers), you can improve your organizational skills. Daunting a task as it may seem, anyone can improve this skill, even you, if you take things one step at a time.


Tip #1: Pick a day and time to organize

You need to pick a starting point, especially if you do not organize very often, if ever.


Tip #2: Keep Things Small at first

If you are going to organize something at home, choose only a small space, or amount. De-clutter just a bedroom, or bathroom, or just a desk at first. You don’t need to do everything at once.

To organize your computer you can actually use the “View” option and decide if you want things organized by files, date, or whatever other options that your computer gives you. In most cases this only separates the files into their respective categories. Using the date option, if you are not already organized, could cause even more confusion as it would mix up all kinds of different types of files.

When you name your files, don’t try to abbreviate what your file is about. Make sure that you can look at the name and know where it goes. If you can’t tell what the file is about by it’s name, then you will always need to open up the file to find out what it is about, and where it should go to be more organized. You will also want to take your computer files and organize in sections, or even by folders (if you use them).


Tip #3: Schedule when necessary

out perform

It does no good to clean things up one day, get things messed up the next, and then just let things get more and more disorganized. Unless you stay on top of keeping yourself ordered (at least a little), you will find yourself spending countless minutes or hours searching for things that should only take you seconds to find if only you had things put into some kind of ordered space.

Not everyone is willing to take the time to clean his/her box wrenches every time that they use them, or to hang them in order of size on a pegboard in such graphic perfection that you want to take pictures. Yes, my cousin again.

The real key to staying more organized is to dedicate a logical place for certain things, and after you use the item, put it back in it’s place. You may find yourself in a hurry, lazy, unmotivated, or just not thinking to place things back in proper order. If you find yourself living with this behavior, then you really need to schedule a weekly “Organizing Hour”.


Now all you need to do is to stick to your schedule!

Self-Perception – Looking For Your Success (Part 2)

The first part of this article talked about how things may have affected you when you were young, and what kind of label you put on yourself as a result.

Some of us come away with courage and independence, but you may have found yourself questioning your self-worth and abilities.

No matter what you do, if you do not do it with confidence, then you will have a difficult time doing your best work, because you do not feel free enough to try new things. You don’t have the confidence to sell your ideas to yourself, let alone someone else.

I usually tell my clients that maybe a second look (inside) might not be a bad idea. Even a third look if necessary.

If you are going to be successful at what you do, then having self-confidence is a must. No one will want to hire you, be around you, or even date you (if you are in the market) if you lack self confidence. Self-confidence, or lack thereof, shows through whether you want it to or not. Why is it that people who are less qualified than you seem to get the better jobs, more attractive mates, or are more popular at parties? Self-confidence shows in personality and demeanor.

How you see yourself is not just a matter of self-confidence. Some people consider
themselves as self-confident, but don’t choose to participate in those things that
require others.

If you are an olympic swimmer, for example, you may be very confident in your ability to swim a 200 meter backstroke, but not so self-confident in your ability to converse with others, or get up and speak in front of an audience.

There are different levels and areas of expertise, and you are certainly different from other people, and have your knowledge and confidence in areas that are different from others.

I you feel that your self-confidence is lacking in almost every area of your life, then you may have a more involved set of circumstances that might be best sorted out by a professional with whom you can discuss your various issues and thoughts.

There are a few things that can be done to help control some of these difficulties, depending upon how serious the issue(s) involved.

Hypnosis is one method that has worked wonders for some people, but is not necessarily the answer for everyone. As a professional hypnotherapist, I helped a woman who had a fear of going out in public (Agoraphobia) to get back to work, shop, and lead a normal life. It is best to consult a professional to determine the best treatment for you.

Most of the problems that you find yourself faced with will have some kind of fear factor involved. Fear of uncertainty (“What do I do next?), fear of the unknown (What will happen next?), or any of the “What ifs?”, or “What will happen?

Self-confidence also lends itself to the belief that someone may be more competent then
they actually are. You may be very social, and seem confident, but yet when you try to
do something, it may not work out for you very often. This may only be do to being disorganized.

There are many reasons why some things don’t get done or accomplished, and being disorganized is certainly one of many reasons. But why do you seem to think others are just better at things than you are?

Well, THEY ARE NOT! Some people are naturally more gifted in some areas, but these people are made up of flesh and blood just like you do, they get sick just like you do, they eat the same foods that you do, and they will die just like you will (sorry for getting morbid here). The point is that we are all pretty similar. Some of us have different advantages than others, and have different abilities. If you were born into a family that was extremely wealthy (such as the Bill Gates’), then you would certainly have a different outlook on things than someone who was born in the poorest part of town.

One of the best ways to overcome your fears is to face them, deal with them, understand them, and find ways to overcome them. They won’t go away on their own, but they will go away if you don’t allow them to control your life.

It takes work to accomplish important things in your life. There will always be fears and other obstacles to your success in life, and there will always be those who can overcome those fears and obstacles to find their successes. How badly to you want to succeed?
Success does not usually find you, but you must go after it. Are you ready for success?

Everyone has heard the phrase “Time is Money”.   Wasting time is also
wasting part of your precious life.  If you are young this means little to you, but if you are getting older, then you are certainly aware of how quickly time passes.

if you are a younger person who is working hard to get ahead.  Evidence that time is fleeting is in the way the day goes by so fast, and you are still feeling like you have barely gotten anything done, or are wishing that there were a couple more hours in your day.

Time is going by whether you are doing anything productive or not. Time does not care whether you are rich or poor, young or old, male or female (or other).

Time is not your friend, nor is it your enemy. Time is just something that is here. It is a progression of sorts built into the system of life. We have set up a measuring system, we call it “Time”, and we break it up into different segments and call these segments by various names. We call short periods of time seconds and minutes. Then we have months and years. of course we also decades and millennia.

The name (Time) is not important at all. What is important is that you have only a limited quantity of it. Each of us has a certain amount of time that we are allowed to live breathe, and do things to improve our lives and the lives of others. It is what you do with the time that you have that is important.

Your relationship with time may be as important as your relationship with your family, maybe even more important. How you treat the time that you have can make you happy, or cause you endless nightmares.

It is also how you look at time. If you see time as something that you need to fight against, time will win every battle. Befriend time, use it wisely, and keep a close eye on it so that it doesn’t get away from you. You don’t want time to be that “Big Fish” that got away.

Waking up at retirement age and looking into the mirror realizing that you have wasted most of your life is something that happens all too often.

Don’t be that person. Learn how to use the time that you have to become more productive. Just a few “Tweaks” is often all that it takes to go from “Zero, to Hero”.

Your Motivations – Your Move!

What makes you do things?

What is it that gets you going?

When you have something to do, even if it
is not something that you particularly
enjoy, what makes you either do it right now,
or put it off until later?


Self-Perception – Looking For Your Success (part 1)

Do you look to yourself for your success.?   

What is self-perception, what does it have to do with success, â€¨and how does self-perception help achieve success?



Psychology has talked about self-efficacy and self-perception
 for many years, and there have been various definitions associated
 with the term self-efficacy (many slightly different) but the core â€¨message is the same.

In a nutshell, self-efficacy is the belief that you, as a person, â€¨has in yourself the ability to accomplish certain tasks. Being able to effectively finish tasks can have a great impact on how you feel about yourself, and how you live your life.

Self-efficacy also can often define how you see yourself 
in relation to others, your work, and your success.  You might also think of self-efficacy as self-perception.

How you think of yourself in various situations determines,
 in large part, how you are going to proceed when it comes 
to dealing with various situations.  Whether it is in school, at your job, or in other areas of
 your life, the way that you see yourself “Fitting In”, will
 determine just exactly how you relate, and react, to what â€¨confronts you in whatever situation that you may find yourself.

If you have had your self-image tarnished by inefficient or â€¨over indulgent parenting (in whatever form), then you may have
 a difficult time dealing with even the simplest of tasks in your

Your self-perception may also continue to diminish even though you may be very intelligent, and may give the
 outward appearance of having limited self-confidence.

You may have found yourself being told throughout your childhood â€¨that you were incompetent and inferior, and that you always 
were doing things wrong. 

You may have also been told that you just waste your time
 doing things that are unimportant and useless.
This kind of negative enthusiasm, as well-meaning as manyʉ۬parents may think that this might be, does little for the building
 of self-esteem and self-perception.

Self-perception is also harmed as you get older, and are confronted
 with the major, and often uncomfortable, task of deciding whether or not â€¨to accept the labels that have been placed upon you through â€¨associations with your parents, siblings, and peers.

Our self-perception is often influenced greatly by our immediate family, and our friends.

Success Is Not Just A “Buzz” Word

Is your success just becoming a “Buzz Word”?

When you decided to become a success (how long ago was that?),
just when did you actually become successful, and
how did you
know that you DID become a success?

The BIG fact remains that most people regard themselves as
having “Made It” when they have made a certain amount of
money.  Herein lies another problem.
Exactly how much money
do you need to be able to say that you have “Made It”?

As with many of us, you have likely said to yourself at one time
or another that you wanted to make X amount of money, at
least you thought about it.  What happened?  Here is what 
happened.  You JUST thought about it, but did not pursue it. 

What you (and myself at one time), and many others have failed to
understand, is that these people who scrape themselves up from the
, and have not been given their money and/or opportunity
through family ties, have gone through a process to be successful.

Part of the process is to make a decision about what you want.
Doesn’t it make sense to have a good idea of where you want
to vacation, so that you can plan how much money, time, etc. that
you will need for your journey?

Setting things up so that you don’t have a lot of surprises on down
the road is an important factor for success.  Logic tells us that we
cannot eliminate all of the unknowns in what we do, but we can
usually stay ahead of them if we stick to our plans. 

You plan out your day, you plan out your garden and landscaping,
yet when it comes to something as important as planning out
your future objectives, why aren’t you planning them?
Maybe now is the time to begin.

Find your success strategies here

Doing my best,
so that you can do yours.
